Vinyl Flooring Singapore Products

Singapore consists of many famous companies for their vinyl floors, and they have the super vinyl flooring from Belgium, which is called LURF quick step. LURF is nothing but known as Luxurious Resilient Flooring. This flooring is very easy and fast to lay.

Need for a flooring

Most flooring room works are done within one day, and it doesn’t need any hacking. This is a brand vinyl flooring product that looks just fantastic. It has a natural-looking, burned strain, and It doesn’t need much maintenance and easy to take care of.  It’s absolutely 100% waterproof as it’s compacted vinyl. If anything like water, wine, or liquid falls on the floor, it’s not a big issue as there is no chance of going bloated up.

Benefits of vinyl flooring

LURF flooring is available in 5 different layers. It is highly efficient, impact-resistant backing due to the 1st layer called stabilizing layer. A PVC décor layer is present, which is beautifully printed and designed with different types of variation. There is a top layer that acts as a scratch guard and stain guard, which protects the floor from scratches, marks, scuff marks, dirt marks, etc.

This flooring is called Resilient Flooring due to its resilient properties. Due to this product quality vinyl flooring Singapore is famous all over the world.